You were born to feel good — to have a little lightness in your step, a little perk in your work. We all were. At Pharm, because we believe there’s no straight line to feeling good, we’ve brought together a broad mix of modern and rather unmodern remedies. From acetaminophen to smudge sticks, we stock it all, so you can do what you’re meant to— feel good.

Bulk Apothecary

Bulk Apothecary

Flowers + Other Botanicals

Flowers + Other Botanicals

Compounding Pharmacy

Compounding Pharmacy

Hot + Cold Elixirs

Hot + Cold Elixirs



Pharm, Unit 103a,
3009 14th Street SW
Calgary, Alberta T2T 3V6

The Pharm Drugstore, Pharmacy Calgary Unit 103a, 3009 14th Street SW Calgary, AB T2T 3V6 Phone: (403) 764-3080